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4 contributions to Nomad School
HELP! How to finish an important task that you spend a lot of time on?
You know how there is something really important and you keep putting it off? Like finishing something you know you have to? For example, I've known for some time that there are video shoots and editing that I have to finish for something really important to me, and it's always somehow unfinished... and I always feel like I'm not focusing on it enough.... Do you know the feeling? If so, feel free to share your challenges and solutions... and we will help each other
New comment 23d ago
0 likes • 27d
Thank you, you finish the goal?
0 likes • 27d
@Tim Coulter amazing
3 quick tips for more focus and productivity 🕑💸
1. Turn off notifications on the cell phone (The goal is to prevent diversions opinion that can take you out of focus) 2. Apps that limit your browsing time in social apps (The goal is to prevent drifting into social apps and wasting time on videos and stories that don't really promote you) 3. Staying in a positive environment that contributes to your focus and does not take you out of focus (Environment is very important, an environment of people who do not distract you but help you motivate yourself to action, is very important, even a quiet environment without people can help you focus a lot) You invited Add in the comments more tips for productivity and focus on doing, have a good week and a wonderful day
2 members have voted
New comment 13h ago
Just completed the Mindset module, really informative. Used Kanban boards before, so that was comforting to see. No idea as yet as to what I am going to do to enable my new life, but excited🤣
New comment 21d ago
1 like • 29d
Everything possible! Good luck 👑
10 things you must know about Japan 🏯 !
After more than a month in Japan, here are 10 new things I learned about this special country: 1: 💴 Japan is considered expensive even though it is possible to live there also at a low price 2: 🛌🏾 If you are looking for a cheap place to sleep, Japan is full of hostels and capsules of a relatively high standard and at a low price of 15-30 dollars per night on average 3: 🛂 Most of the countries here receive an automatic visa for 3 months 4: 📱If you almost run out of battery on your smartphone, you can rent a mobile phone charger at all kinds of stores like 7/11 5: 🚄You don't have to travel by fast trains, you can reduce the costs and travel by bus, I took a bus from Tokyo to Osaka for 8 hours and really enjoyed the ride, there was also WIFI and in general a high level of comfort and service on the bus 6: 🛒 If you rent an apartment and prepare food yourself, you can buy at a local supermarket at really cheap prices 7: 🛍️ Japan is full of second-hand stores for clothes and electrical products, so even if you want to buy a cheap laptop or smartphone or camera or musical instrument or clothes you can, this is an excellent solution for those who need a certain product now and cheaply. 8: 🧑🏼‍💻In Japan there are many internet cafes and in general the work culture here is very comfortable so that almost everywhere you can find a comfortable place to work with your laptop 9: ✈️ Sometimes it may be that taking flights within Japan is cheaper for you than trains or buses, it's worth checking which is the most worthwhile 10: 🗾Japan is a safe, clean, minimalist country with a rich culture of past and future, highly recommend, if you were debating whether to fly, go for it. If you have more questions about Japan, feel free to ask in the comments.
9 members have voted
New comment 11d ago
1 like • 30d
@Brett Dev thanks, welcome !
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Meir geula Tzubari
3points to level up
Rapper, writer, music producer and video editor, entrepreneur, digital nomad, living life freely around the world

Active 9d ago
Joined May 31, 2024
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