My Mindset Mondays
Your past self, is not your best self!
Hi Friends,
Ever get stuck replaying a negative memory in your head, like a bad movie trailer playing on repeat? You know, that time when I did something stupid in front of a huge crowd and was scolded publicly? Suddenly, you're flooded with regret, beating yourself up for something you can't change. We've all been there.
But here's the thing: dwelling on the past only holds you back from living your best life today.
Here's a powerful mindset shift: You are not the same person you were back then.
Think of yourself as the star of your own story. As the story unfolds, the hero faces challenges, learns from them, and grows. That's you! Those past experiences, however negative, shaped you into the stronger, more resilient person you are now.
Ready to break free and start thriving?
  • Acknowledge Your Growth: How much have you learned and changed? Write down what you'd do differently today.
  • Dissociate from the Past You: Think of your past self differently. This helps detach from the burden of those past mistakes.
  • Focus on the Present: Refocus your energy on what matters now. What excites you today? What are you working towards?
  • Embrace Forgiveness: Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Holding onto negativity only hurts you.
Life is a constant journey of growth and change. Don't let past mistakes define you. Use them as stepping stones to become the best version of yourself – a version that's stronger, wiser, and ready to embrace the future with open arms.
Remember, the past is unchangeable, but the present – and the amazing person you're becoming – is entirely in your control.
Want to learn more about letting go and embracing growth? Check out our mindset course- Build Once, Change Twice.
We're all on this journey together. Let's lift each other up and celebrate the amazing people we're becoming!
Bippity Boppity,
Dallas Hughston
My Mindset Mondays
My Mindset
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Igniting passion through empowered mindsets. We help individuals unlock their potential and pursue their passions with confidence.
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