Day 3
“What entertains you is what trains you, Your inputs are your outputs”
don’t let anyone or anything’s negative or skewed perspective on reality stop you from your OWN personal development. Nobody else is responsible for your future but YOU. And it starts with your habits NOW.
Be mindful of the content you consume and that includes the conversations you have. Even the ones you have with yourself in your head. Make sure everything lines up with the goals for yourself.
Easy task- Ask yourself, is what you’re doing, watching, or spending time with right now, something the version of“You” that you dream of would do?”
I realized I need to spend more time meditating and praying. Those are the things that I haven’t checked off consecutively on my tracker. Meaning I’ve forced myself to be hyper productive instead of giving myself time for gratitude and grounding. Finding ways to incorporate this more often since I know it’s only going to HELP me. Can’t run from our own thoughts!
Let’s keep being great!
Apex Laurent
Day 3
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