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Heat Exhaustion
Here in California it is fire season making our days even hotter! When you’re working outside it is important to Viramin C, D, & calcium levels, especially when outside for long periods of time. Remember to take added calcium/magnesium, vitamin C & D & Celtic salt for minerals. Sea Moss is another good alternative. Coconut water is a great electrolytes alternative with this added recipe. Make sure to drink water too. Celtic salt contains 82 of the 92 minerals and it also has three magnesium which help to deliver the minerals into the cells. Just put a small pinch on your tongue and drink water and that will help to get those minerals back into your cells! Here is a great and natural electrolyte drink you can make! • 1¾ cup herbal tea, water, or coconut water • ⅛ teaspoon celtic salt • 2 teaspoons raw honey (or maple syrup, to taste) • ¼ cup lemon or lime juice • ½ teaspoon calcium/magnesium powder
New comment 15h ago
Heat Exhaustion
Do you frequencies really work?
YES! Everything is a frequency. All living beings are energy. We have a heartbeat, a brainwave, & a pulse. Each of us are electrical being. A service I provide at my office is Frequency sessions. A frequency for individual needs. Reducing the time feeling ill & increasing healing.
New comment 16h ago
Do you frequencies really work?
Do you really still believe our ABC’s?
How often have we heard recalls happening from FDA, AMA, USDA, etc? Take the time to go on your own journey. Take the time you need to make your own food, grow your food, & step back to simpler times. Your worth it.
New comment 1d ago
Do you really still believe our ABC’s?
What is the cost of convenience ?
Are you really saving time by buying “ food prepared”? What is in & on our clothes we purchase? The boneless meat & chicken you are buying at the store, is this something each of us would really eat if you knew how it was processed? So much more to think about? What is your time worth? Your health? Is it worth growing & preparing your own food? Tell me your thoughts.
What is the cost of convenience ?
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New comment 3d ago
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Mohr Natural
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