22d ago (edited) in FAQs
Introducing Fabric Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Hey everyone! The Fabric Foundation Classroom module is blossoming into the ultimate beginner's guide to Fabric - aimed at people new to Fabric, or in the 'exploring' phase - "is Fabric right for me and my business?" - I know a lot of you are in that position currently.
We've just published the first two in a series of FAQ articles:
Our goal is to make it as easy and quick as possible for you to find the information you need to learn or make a decision.
Therefore, in each of these FAQ articles, we have synthesized all the previous discussions, all the latest news and updates and documentation and laid it on a plate for you to make a decision, or get up-to-speed FAST. We've also added discussion threads if you have any questions about any of the content.
These are the first in a series of FAQ articles we will be publishing over the next few weeks - each of them tackling one of the most frequently asked questions!
Big thanks to Maleek - for helping to bring these together!!
Will Needham
Introducing Fabric Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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