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some good karma for once!
A friend of mine just gifted me a fender jazz bass out of nowhere and I’ve legit always wanted one! Although the world doesn’t typically reciprocate the kindness and love I try to give to others, on a rare occasion, the things I want and choose to give to others is reciprocated. I’m so incredibly grateful. Opened up logic and did a super quick vibe jam to give her some props and posted it:
It’s taken me years and years and also the 1 track 10 days challenge to finally feel comfortable enough in ableton to create a drum rack. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I’ve been a live instrument player my whole life and DAWs always made me hit a creative brick wall in one way or another. I knew the exact sounding drums I wanted; bit the bullet and bought Jake Reed’s Super Dead Drums Vol. 2 (it’s perfect for my needs) which finally took me out of analysis paralysis and, lo and behold, I’ve got a drum rack…FINALLY Also btw Alex - those audio effect rack presets…Jeebuz Happlebottom Christmas, changing my life
New comment Aug 14
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