Scaler pad mode with push 3
Hey guys, I am a huge fan of Scaler 2 but when I first started using it I gravitated toward the "pad" mode that is on the 4th page of the plugin. To me the fact that they have a 8 column grid(7 rows which is a little weird) made me want to use the push 3 and have each chord be a corresponding button on the push. I think this was intended as a sequencer maybe but I really wanted it to work the way I first imagined. This is the workflow I had in mind:
  1. On the main page, pick some chord progressions that sound like they could work with my idea
  2. Drag up to 7 8-chord progressions onto the pad view
  3. Use the push pads to experiment and play in chords from the progressions, possibly using the performances/arpeggio etc from Scaler or Ableton effects
  4. Have this be recorded into a midi track with the individual notes on the piano roll(rather than just "chord 1 chord 2" etc being recorded). This would allow swapping out the instrument in Ableton rather than relying on Scaler instruments
I ended up implementing this successfully and it works fine now but it required quite a bit of midi hacking
Other details:
  • The bottom first 7 buttons can be used to select the different rows for placing chords within the chord view
  • The bottom right button I am not currently using but could probably toggle something on/off
  • The final setup takes up 2 tracks on ableton with 1 track being the drum rack with scaler and colored chains and the other being the instrument that plays the notes themselves and records the midi. This was by far the most difficult part to figure out surprisingly
  • An unexpected feature is that if you use the drum loop feature with the push drum rack you can use any quadrant of the 64 pad grid along with a chord sequencer(If you are unfamiliar try pushing "Layout" on the push while in a drum rack). This means that if you save 4 chord progressions in a quadrant you can use the drum loop like a sequencer
If anyone is interested I am happy to show how to set this up
Levi Redlin
Scaler pad mode with push 3
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