Nothing else is like this
Before ever having met Michael, and since becoming one of the founders of MOA, I have encountered MANY “men’s communities.”
They’re built around the idea of meeting more women, making more money, becoming a better man … and everyone’s trying to form a “tribe.”
I have NEVER seen a tribe like MOA.
In other communities there’s always sniping, infighting, scapegoating, and bullying. Sometimes the community only seems to exist to aggrandize the leader/coach/mentor who created it.
MOA is the most supportive, positive community of men I have EVER encountered. By FAR.
Everyone is here to help each other. There’s a true sense that “we’re all in it together.” There really are no stupid questions.
That kind of culture starts at the top. Michael genuinely cares. You can see it in all of his content. He’s on fire. He’s direct, but patient – pointed, but constructive. And he doesn’t tolerate chaos, backstabbing, or BS.
It’s been one of the great privileges of my life to be a part of this community, much less one of its lieutenants.
If you have been looking for your tribe, I strongly suggest you check it out. Click here to book a demo of the MOA elite community and see for yourself:
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Grant Jordan
Nothing else is like this
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