No. You want to use the rule of 3s. You want good composition. And you want your entire body in the picture. You’re just a floating head that took a weirdly focused selfie on a countertop in an empty ice cream parlor here. Not status.
I would try to get more your body and don't do blurry backgrounds. you want to make sure people see all the picture so they can see where you are.
I read somewhere that women are attracted to more body type than facial features. Meaning, they will look at your body profile to see if you are mateable (if that's a word), if you can protect them, or you make them feel safe. This is why most of the guys on IG that are influential have body pictures instead of close up. While women will have more selfies.
It’s a good photo if people already know exactly who you are and you don’t want where you are to be in the forefront. I agree though with the sentiment of making the environment more of a focus, thanks for allow yourself to be a learning to, that takes 🥜.
I wouldn't post it bro. You can post it and it could be fine but its not up the MOA standards so if that's what you want to do, don't post it. If you don't care about MOA then you can post pretty much anything.
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