♠️ This Is On You
Nobody is going to do it for you.
Nobody is going to pull you out of your hole.
Nobody is going to give you a free ride.
Nobody is going to make everything okay.
Nobody is going to give you permission.
Nobody is going to clear the path for you.
Nobody is going to fix your fitness.
Nobody is going to get your mental game straight.
Nobody. Ever.
This is on you.
All of it.
And yes, it's hard as fuck...
But so is the alternative.
The expectation of things happening any other way will leave you frustrated, angry, bitter, fat, and broke.
You are it.
Nobody is coming.
Understanding that reality is the first step to becoming that bad motherfucker that lives inside you.
So what's it gonna be?
A wasted, frustrating, hard life?
A fulfilling, meaningful, proud, hard life?
Those are your only choices.
—Andy Frisella
Shannon Coleman
♠️ This Is On You
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