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Stage Mastery Training is happening in 46 hours
What are your stage goals
Copy these questions and add answers to them in the comments How many stages do you want to be on before the end of the year? Physical versus digital? How many leads do you want to add to your email list before the end of the year? How much revenue do you want to generate before the end of year? Let’s workshop this in the comments.
New comment 1h ago
Set backs and New Wins
On August 23rd I had a huge financial set back... I was involved in a scam and it crippled me emotionally, financially, in Every way possible for about 10 days... I had to grieve.... I had to let go of guilt, shame, and distrust... I had to choose if this was going to stop me or propell me... This week I got 5 new clients and 100% close rate from my free trial sessions and I have 3 more trial sessions scheduled. I will push ahead at the things i know I was meant to do. I will not allow dishonest people to stop my progress. I am so appreciative of the people in this group that have supported me through the grieving process. Now it is time to serve my clients and attract more of them. I love my life!
New comment 5h ago
How long until the last MH class video is posted?
Just wondering when last week’s class will be posted! I want to watch my presentation to see how I did and match up peer notes to points in the pres :)
New comment 5h ago
Creating a free database…
If I created a database of tools for homeschool families of jr high and high school students, would you be interested?
New comment 4d ago
What books are you reading now?
I hope you all have your nose in a book - I want to give you a list of my favorites: Best book on communication Radical Candor by Kim Scott Get it here: Best book on Leadership Leadership and Self Deception by the Arbinger Institute Get it here: Best book on Sales Never Split the Difference - Chris Voss Get it here:
New comment 4d ago
What books are you reading now?
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