The Service Delivery Vs. Scaling Dilemma
Hello everyone,
I currently have 1 client (my first one) on a commission basis with no retainer, in the home service niche. and I am running google ads for him. Things are going decent, although there is a bit of a learning curve with google ads. Have tried Facebook Ads in the past but results were lackluster because he is not flexible on offers.
Pros about client:
-He really likes me, super invested in my business
-willing to try anything (google ads, fb ads, whatever, landing pages, literally anything he's game)
-He told me he wants to hire me full time after college lol
-He's happy to give me referrals / testimonials
-Sees things more from a long term play
-He's damn good at what he does seriously
Cons about client:
-Not flexible on offers. This is the main reason the facebook ads did not do well. I keep telling him that discounts and offer stacking is the key to success with fb ads and he is just not having it.
-Does not want me working with other home service business in different niches in my area (i.e. he's in remodeling, and he does not want me working with plumbers, roofers, HVAC, etc. in my local area)
-To clairify on that last point, I told him that I probably would, and I told him I didn't see an issue with it as they are not conflcting industries and he didn't seem ecstatic about my answer.
-Kind of set in his ways when it comes to delivering his service. (he quotes really slow, kind of a bespoke service, tends to judge prospects before even speaking to them, etc.)
-Wants me to take calls and such from his GMB listing ( I told him no)
Things I am struggling with:
-Worried about signing a client and getting them bad results
-not totally confident in my ability to deliver my service
-I hold this belief that I need to have decent service delivery before "earning" the right to sign my next client. I think this belief is holding me back, but I also don't want to deliver a bad service, as I am not just in this to make money, I actually want to help people.
-I have monthly software subscriptions, in the amount of like $130/mo, which is why i really just want to acquire more clients (GHL and some other stuff). But I have a good savings so this is not of concern for me.
Ok so I'll get to the point... I can't decide if I should try and get consistent lead flow with google ads before attempting to acquire my next client, or do I just throw myself in the deep end, sign on 1 or 2 paid clients, and just whatever happens, happens.
Question simplified: Do I get my service delivery to like an C+ to B- territory before acquiring my next clients, or do I just f***ing send it with what I have now, and sign 2 or 3 clients in my local area and endure the trial by fire?
If you all think I am just being a p***y and should just send it and acquire some new clients just lmk. Appreciate any input y'all have.
Nate Brubaker
The Service Delivery Vs. Scaling Dilemma
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