Day 2
For a long time I thought I was disciplined because I have been going to the gym for the past 3 years. But this challenge made me realise that after 3 years it’s not discipline. It’s the same as when you wake up in the morning and you go brush your teeth. It’s just a habit at this point. And I don’t need a challenge to stick with my trainings/cardio/diet.
I found that reading books is maybe not something that i’m uncomfortable with but spending over 30 minutes on reading makes me bored af. Also it’s a great way to repair my attention span. I’ll start with 30 minutes and increase it every few days. The book that i’ll be reading is Influence by Robert Cialdini.
Also I dropped 2 photos of me one before the gym and one after (both photos were taken today) for you guys to see how pump and good lighting can change how your physique looks.
Marcel Pasternak
Day 2
Self Mastery
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