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WELCOME! Mastermind Skool is a community where entrepreneurs get ongoing help from me and my team to scale their business with the leverage of having access to their own MasterMind Group. Step 1: Introduce yourself below with this copy and paste template: 1. Why are you here? 2. What is your Passion? 3. What do you do day to day? 4. What are some Things (more is better), that are Cool About You that people would not find out so easily unless they had known you a long time? 5. What are some "hidden" talents / skills you have that could be useful for all of us? 6. Anything else?... feel free to tell us even more ;-) Step 2: Go Through this introduction module. Or Get schedule a call by following this link:
New comment Nov '24
So...I got a REAL AWAKENING this morning....
I was GLUED to this video from the beginning to the end. If you want to be on the CUTTING EDGE of your Own Product and where you will take your "clients" NEXT... then is video is a MUST WATCH. This is by the founder of , where you are now, so we are in good hands I would presume ;-) Please DO comment and let's start a fruitful conversation around this topic as I think it will help all of us.
So...I got a REAL AWAKENING this morning....
What's Your Passion?
Tell me something you are REALLY, REALLY Passionate about, especially business related?
New comment Nov '24
I am moving to and putting this MM on hold for now.
I am putting the MasterMind Skool community on hold from Jan,. 1, 2025, but you will all be able to reach me on my email at: You can reach me at my New Community: Happy New years one and all.
New comment 9d ago
I love this story about TEAMS...
Team or no Team... that is the question...or is it really? Here is the story: It's August 5, 2010. A massive collapse at the San José Copper Mine in Northern Chile has left 33 men trapped half a mile -- that's two Empire State Buildings -- below some of the hardest rock in the world. They will find their way to a small refuge designed for this purpose, where they will find intense heat, filth and about enough food for two men for 10 days. Aboveground, it doesn't take long for the experts to figure out that there is no solution. No drilling technology in the industry is capable of getting through rock that hard and that deep fast enough to save their lives. It's not exactly clear where the refuge is. It's not even clear if the miners are alive. And it's not even clear who's in charge. Yet, within 70 days, all 33 of these men will be brought to the surface alive. This remarkable story is a case study in the power of teaming. Click here to see the ful story:
New comment 17d ago
I love this story about TEAMS...
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