Thoughts on last night's Sacred Self Pleasure Class
Brothers, I was fortunate to be able to attend Lion's Sacred Self Pleasure Class last night and wanted to put down some thoughts.
As a fully integrated stream of processes, it's impossible to say which part I liked the most. Lion led us through a seamless transition between breathwork, shaking, lymphatic drainage, more breathwork focusing on full body as well as pelvic floor sensations, and the simple act of getting to know our penis and testicles without focusing on getting an erection and ejaculating. Each part was fairly new to me but I feel I learned some new techniques that I can use in regular practice.
If anyone had concerns about participating in a class like this while touching their genitals with other men present (even if on Zoom), I'd like to allay your concerns. This was not a sexual exercise. Nothing our teacher did crossed any lines, but instead he guided us through the class with professionalism. Other than Lion, I don't know who else was naked other than myself, because Lion gives us the opportunity to do these practices clothed and/or have our camera focused on the upper body only. There was no need to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable IMO, but it was freeing for me, just being naked in my own living room. I'm definitely going to look into doing more home workouts that incorporate what I learned last night.
I'm fairly clumsy and not graceful, so I was probably flailing around a bit, but that's ok! I felt 100% comfortable in the situation.
I definitely encourage the brotherhood to participate when Lion offers classes again. I don't know him personally, and I'm not trying to kiss his ass, but instead just offering my honest thoughts on the class. Looking forward to more!
Joseph Rice
Thoughts on last night's Sacred Self Pleasure Class
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