As it is slowing down during the holiday my inner voice of doom rears its ugly head. “You wont have a successful month and January will be just as bad” my stomach was in knots last night thinking about all I could have done this year and how much more I need to learn and grow to become “successful”. There is this overwhelming feeling of not knowing what to focus on next because there are so many paths and areas to grow. The notary profession oftentimes feels like a hydra with many heads and it’s difficult to know what to focus on. This morning I am a bit more clear headed and wanted to reach out to you all to share this vulnerability I think we all have. Fear of failure and our inner saboteur feeling overwhelmed by information. I know I can’t be the only one. How do you not feel overwhelmed by the stress of building a business learning new skills and keeping your financial head above water? How do you keep your inner critic at bay? I try and look at my notary career as a marathon not a dash. And to give myself grace.