I´m Rajiv 😄
Hello everyone,
My name is Rajiv, and I started this group to promote joint and muscle health. My everyday job used to require me to sit down and work with poor posture. Also, my exercise routine involved lifting weights without proper stretching, and my diet plan was poor and often led me to cheat. I created this group to help address these issues that other people may not have figured out.
Currently, I work in computer science and am based in Texas. I have nearly a year of experience working as an assistant in managing yoga studios, focusing on both the clients and the business side of things. I am also a 200-hour Yoga Certified teacher. I'm excited to work with all of you!
Rajiv Mallisetty
I´m Rajiv 😄
Public group
We mix South Asian Culture with modern fitness to fix:
- Suffocating back/shoulder/knee pain
- Trouble moving after sitting all day
- Poor dieting
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