Understanding Rep Ranges for Optimal Results
The number of reps you perform in a set can have a big impact on the results you get in the gym! Here’s a quick guide to rep ranges and what they’re used for:
• 1-5 Reps: Best for building maximal strength. Ideal for heavy compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench press.
• 6-12 Reps: This range is perfect for hypertrophy (muscle growth). If you’re looking to add size, this is where you want to focus.
• 12-20+ Reps: Great for muscular endurance and conditioning. You’ll also increase time under tension, which can support fat loss and muscle definition.
Use the right rep range for your goals, and mix them up for a well-rounded program!
This breaks down the benefits of different rep ranges in a clear, actionable way.
Sean Lyons
Understanding Rep Ranges for Optimal Results
Lyons Den Fat Loss Accelerator
The Fat Loss Accelerator is designed specifically for busy professionals who want to lose 10-20lbs of fat and transform their bodies in just 60 days
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