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Agency Valuation Tool
Hi All, I just used this and gave me some report. I am curious to see what your thoughts are for accuracy, it has interesting metrics.
New comment Apr '23
How AI is going to change SEO and content marketing as we know it
Last week, I spoke at a conference in New York and met with the founders of SurferSEO. They showed me an AI product similar to, but the catch was that they told me it could eventually research entire topical clusters and create multiple articles at once that link to each other. Here's a video of me demo'ing the simple version yesterday and talking through to my team how I'd want us to utilize this. The way I see it, sites with a high DR have a window of opportunity to attack this for a few years and reap the rewards while others sit idly. Thoughts?
New comment Apr '23
How AI is going to change SEO and content marketing as we know it
How we're using ChatGPT to track client sentiment
One of the gaps we've seen with client services over the years is the ability to track sentiment consistently. People get busy with meetings, reporting, execution, etc. that sentiment tracking becomes an afterthought. But what if you were able to see how clients were feeling each week with an automatic 1-10 score for each call? 10 being best. If calls were 9-10, they'd be in the green. If calls were 7-8, they'd be in the yellow. If calls were 6 and below, they'd be in the red. Then if they were yellow or red 3 weeks in a row, your team could jump in and do something about it before it became too late. We combined Gong with ChatGPT to automatically track our calls. The data gets outputted into Slack and also into a spreadsheet so we can: - See a quick summary of each call - See the AI-scored call - Determine if actions need to be taken Is this something you'd use?
New comment Apr '23
How we're using ChatGPT to track client sentiment
Platform to manage content?
Is anyone using a platform to organize and share content with clients (video, photo, graphic design) that they love? We currently use mostly Google Drive, sometimes PicTime, and Vimeo. Would love to find a solution that's more aesthetic, cleaner, easier to navigate, and creates a better experience for clients to see all their content in one place.
New comment Mar '23
What are your long term goals with your agency?
I'm talking 10+ years out. For some, it's to sell and move onto something else. Others want to expand. Some want to take the cash flows and build other stuff while retaining the business. For me, I'm keen on building to 9 figures just because I think it'd be fun. What's the dream outcome for you?
New comment Mar '23
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