The Cold DM Blueprint: How to Land Clients Without Feeling Sleazy
Most people overcomplicate cold outreach.
They think they need a fancy funnel, a 10-step process, or an award-winning copywriter.
You don’t.
In fact, if you have a service that solves a REAL problem, cold DMs are one of the most efficient ways to get clients.
Here’s the exact formula I use to land clients in less time than it takes to finish a cup of coffee:
1. The Perfect Target: Stop wasting time DMing anyone with a pulse. Niche down HARD. Find your dream clients by identifying:
What niche they’re in
What specific problem they have (that YOU solve)
Where they hang out online (Discord, Instagram, Facebook, Skool)
You should know your target better than their mom does.
2. The Hook: Your first message has ONE job: to get them to respond.
That’s it.
Most people blow this because they write paragraphs when a simple one-liner would work better.
Here’s the deal: Your prospect doesn’t care about you (yet). They care about their problem. So, open with something that matters to THEM.
"Hey [Name], saw your post about struggling with leads for your SMMA. Are you still looking for a solution?"
"Quick question: are you open to strategies that consistently bring in high-ticket clients for your agency?"
Short. To the point. Problem-focused.
3. The Follow-Up: If they don’t respond after the first message, don’t freak out.
80% of deals are closed in the follow-up.
Hit them up again a few days later with a non-pushy follow-up. Something like:
“Hey, no worries if this isn’t relevant. Just wanted to check in—still looking to scale your agency?”
Follow up consistently, but don’t be annoying. Think of it as you’re reminding them you’re still here to solve their problem.
4. The Value Drop: When they respond, don’t immediately go in for the kill with a sales pitch.
Instead, ask a question that further qualifies them:
“What’s been the biggest challenge for you when it comes to lead gen?”
“How are you currently handling outreach?”
Once you get their answer, drop some value.
Give them a quick win. Share a strategy or tip that actually helps them—no fluff.
This does two things:
Positions you as someone who knows their stuff.
Builds trust before you even mention selling.
5. The Close: Now, it’s time to transition to the sale, but here’s the key: DON’T overthink this.
You don’t need some fancy pitch. Just be direct and tie it back to the problem they mentioned.
Something like: “Based on what you said, I actually help agencies with [problem] by [solution]. If it makes sense, we could hop on a quick chat to see if I can help. No pressure either way.”
No crazy pitch. No fluff.
Just clarity, confidence, and a direct solution to their problem.
Final Thoughts:
If you’ve read this far, congrats. You’re already ahead of most people because you understand that simplicity beats complexity.
Start using this framework TODAY and stop waiting for leads to come to you.
They won’t.
You need to go out and get them.
I’d love to connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs who are scaling their businesses. Drop a comment or shoot me a DM if you’re down to chat!
Arran Dehel
The Cold DM Blueprint: How to Land Clients Without Feeling Sleazy
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