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Solitude Sundays is happening in 18 days
Thriving at Work as an Introvert: Unlock Your Potential🔓
Let's face it... Navigating the workplace as an introvert is HARD, but, with the right approach, your UNIQUE qualities can lead to massive success and fulfilment! Here are some strategies that helped me thrive in my professional life and get 2 promotions without even being qualified for my job: ⚡ Leverage Your Strengths: Deep thinking and problem-solving are just 2 of our many introverted superpowers. I always found it hard to work and simultaneously converse with a colleague, so I would just focus on my work which allowed me to notice that certain tasks took us WAAAY longer than needed. So I suggested some automations and tools which helped my entire team work more efficiently.👨‍💻 Most people think introversion is a disability, and that's clearly ⚡ Create Personal Boundaries: Life is short, and our social batteries shorter.🔋That's why I communicate my "communication preferences" with my managers and colleagues. All communication to be in writing (via Microsoft Teams or email) and no phone calls/meetings unless NECESSARY. I signal my availability through my office door/headphones/Teams availability. (Closed door/headphones on means DND)⛔ ⚡Find Supportive Colleagues: I've managed to find my "tribe" amongst 90+ colleagues only recently. As human beings, we innately crave to be part of a community, and even though the company is its own community, introverts value more MEANINGFUL connections. This is why I decided to step out of my comfort bubble and actively seek out the people I gel with most. Even 1 conversation a day with these people is refreshing!🫂 ⚡Schedule Recharge Breaks: I used to use abandoned back offices to meditate and practice breathwork, which helped a ton with mental fatigue and overwhelm. Now, I just take regular walks in nature to clear my head.🚶 ⚡Balance Work and Personal Time: Ensure you have a healthy balance between work and activities that recharge you. Whether it's reading, hiking, or spending time with loved ones, prioritize your well-being. For me, this was spending Sundays alone and working on a meaningful task.🧘
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New comment Jul 5
Thriving at Work as an Introvert: Unlock Your Potential🔓
Welcome to The Introverse. The goal of this group is to help introverted 9-5 professionals assert themselves in the workplace, find a community of people of similar character and help each other navigate the game of life through self-improvement. BUT FIRST, let's get to know each other in the comments below⬇️: 1. Your name, age & where you're from. 2. What you work as at your current job. 3. Why did you join THIS particular group? 4. What are you currently focused on learning/working on? 🆕New To The Skool Platform? - No worries, I got you. Learn how to navigate this awesome platform in the classroom section here. 📲Mobile App: Did you know? Skool is also available as a mobile app! - Download it now for iOS and Android devices for easy access on the go! 👤 Profile Completion: - Don’t forget to complete your profile! Add a profile picture to let others know who you are and what you do. This helps enhance your experience on the platform.
New comment Jul 3
40 Minutes To Go!🕕
I hope y'all are having a fulfilling Sunday so far. In less than an hour, we're going LIVE for the FIRST TIME in our private room! Not sure how many of y'all will make it but I'll sure appreciate at least one person in attendance.☝ Meeting link: I'm ready!
40 Minutes To Go!🕕
Happy Sunday!😎
Today marks our community's FIRST Solitude Sunday! They say "Sundays are for lovers"... Well, in this community, Sundays are for recharging!🔋 And in less than 8 hours, we will be meeting LIVE in our very own metaverse! I'm super excited about this and I can't wait to meet y'all and learn what fulfills and energizes you for the new week ahead! Just as a reminder, here's our SOLITUDE SUNDAY PROTOCOL: 1. Spend MOST of your Sunday alone. 2. Do something fulfilling (Work, study, meditate, exercise, journal, listen to music, binge Netflix, etc.) 3. Today at 6 PM CAT, we can all log into our metaverse and chat about what we did to recharge and maybe have a bit of Q&A. (You can keep your camera & mic off if you like) 4. You're recharged for the week ahead!⚡ At the end of our call, there's something special waiting for everyone who attends today's meeting so make sure to be there!🤭 🤫Meeting link to our SECRET ROOM (There are no extroverts, I promise!):
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Happy Sunday!😎
How To Recharge Your Social Battery🔋
I struggled with feeling drained everyday for at least 5 years in my corporate job. Until I really couldn't take it anymore and I went hunting for a solution. Here's what has been working for me: One thing I HATED was small talk.🤬 To a point where I dreaded every bathroom break, every lunch break, even having to get myself some water, I would try and avoid my colleagues. So inevitably, when I couldn't avoid them, I would feel super uncomfortable with the typical, "How was your weekend?" type of conversations.🤦🏿‍♂️ Until I read "How To Talk To Anyone" by Leil Lowndes. He says small talk is not about the facts, it's about putting people at ease and feeling comfortable with each other. Us introverts value deep conversations so we naturally shy away from small talk because even though we know it's somewhat useful, we still feel drained afterwards.😪 So, what works for me? Working on some creative or meaningful task in my downtime.👨🏿‍💻 That's how I recharge.🔋 When I get home from work everyday, my solitude is my HIGHEST priority. If we LOSE energy from social interactions, that means we GAIN energy from doing something meaningful in our alone time. I highly suggest something creative that resonates with your values, beliefs, and interests. Even just 1 hour of this per day is enough for a recharge! I don't step outside on weekends because I double down on my creative side hustle. So, when I get to the office on Monday, I walk into every conversation feeling like a new man because of how fulfilling my weekend was.😌
New comment Jun 9
How To Recharge Your Social Battery🔋
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The Introverse
Learn how to articulate yourself confidently without exhausting your social battery from a global network of introverted professionals!⚡
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