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Solitude Sundays is happening in 18 days
Came across this today and...
...realised that this is one of the reasons I fell in love with my girlfriend. ❤️
Came across this today and...
80% of your Professional Success Is Due To Communication Skills
Question👇 If you’re technically brilliant let's say 10/10 at your job but your but your ability to communicate your value is a 4/10, do you think people perceive you to be a 10/10 or 4/10? The truth is you are only as good as you can communicate💣 No matter what job you have in life, your success will be determined 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your professional experiences and 80% by your communication skills. I'll share my personal story later on how improving my communication skills has landed me 2 promotions in my career (one job I wasn't even qualified for) but I really wanted to bring awareness to you guys in this post because I feel like introverts can benefit most from this advice. Which is why I'm offering 🆓 research calls to all our community members.🙌 This is a 15-minute conversation where we talk about your current situation, desired situation and problems you're facing. This will help make this community more valuable for its members and can potentially solve some of the problems you're faced with at work. Here's a link to my calendar where you can claim your free research call: Comment "BOOKED" when you're done! P.S: I know I've been on a hiatus but the 9-5 has had me on a chokehold for the last couple of weeks, you guys understand😉
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80% of your Professional Success Is Due To Communication Skills
⚠️Most Communication Is Miscommunication⚠️
Have you ever walked away from a conversation feeling misunderstood or frustrated? You’re not alone. Nearly 75% of communications that are received are COMPLETELY misinterpreted. Most of our communication challenges stem from miscommunication. Whether it’s a missed cue, an unclear message, or simply feeling unheard, these misunderstandings can significantly impact our personal and professional lives. Miscommunication happens for several reasons: 😕| Lack of Clarity: Our thoughts are complex, and translating them into clear, concise messages can be challenging. 🤔| Assumptions: We often assume others understand our context or share our perspective. (I made this mistake so much, it’s embarrassing)🤦‍♂️ 🧏‍♂️| Listening Skills: Effective communication is not just about speaking but also about active listening and empathy. As introverts, these challenges can feel even more noticeable. We might prefer deeper conversations but struggle in environments that favor quick, surface-level interactions. This can lead to a feeling of being overlooked or undervalued.🙇‍♂️ Here are some strategies to turn miscommunication into clear, effective communication: ⚡Be Clear and Concise: Practice expressing your thoughts clearly and directly. Take a moment to organize your ideas before speaking. ⚡Active Listening: Truly listen to the other person⚠️WITHOUT PLANNING YOUR RESPONSE⚠️while they’re speaking. This shows respect and helps you understand their perspective better. ⚡Ask Questions: If something is unclear, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. This demonstrates engagement and prevents misunderstandings. ⚡Non-Verbal Cues: Pay attention to body language, both yours and others. Non-verbal cues can convey much more than words alone. If you find yourself often struggling with miscommunication and want to develop more effective communication skills tailored to your introverted strengths, I’m here to help! Book a free discovery call with me to explore how we can work together to enhance your communication skills, build your confidence, and ensure your voice is heard CLEARLY and AUTHENTICALLY.🙌
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⚠️Most Communication Is Miscommunication⚠️
Assertive Responses Cheat Sheet📰
Have you ever been approached by an overbearing and nosy extrovert? Asking you all types of personal questions or simply invading your PERSONAL space by insisting on having a conversation?🤬 This Assertive Responses Cheat Sheet not only gives you responses you can cut and paste into your personal and work life NOW, but, it also puts these annoying people in their place FOREVER!🙌 👉How to download this sheet: 1. Join The Introverse community (It's FREE) 2. Go to the classroom section of this community. 3. Open the "Assertive Responses Cheat Sheet" course to download and use the PDF in your daily conversations.👌 4. Comment below which response is the most helpful.👇 I spent a TON of time building this doc for myself and I'm now sharing it with you guys. Let me know what you think and if you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve it!
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New comment Jun 29
Assertive Responses Cheat Sheet📰
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The Introverse
Learn how to articulate yourself confidently without exhausting your social battery from a global network of introverted professionals!⚡
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