I went hunting last week, and as always my imagination and consciousness began to expand as I sat 15 ft above the ground with nothing to do in the middle of nowhere. As I'm keeping my eye out for deer, something strange started to happen. My vision became almost halucinegenic as I couldn't exactly tell what I was looking at. I would think I would see a deer in the bushes, or a turkey behind the leaves and after a closer look in my binos I'd realize it wasn't what I thought. In this moment I had a cool awareness I wanted to share.
We are connecting dots or pixels all of the time. I am viewing the projection and expression of the universe (which is created as a projection of myself but that's for another time) the same way we view pixels on a tv/phone screen. And my mind is processing the visual information it's receiving and arranging the dots/pixels into shapes and then labeling those shapes. So a deer is a projection of of light through pixels and my mind is connecting those pixels and then labeling it as a deer. How do I know that the pixels of the deer don't belong to the tree it's standing next too? Or the bush that's in front of it? My mind was connecting these dots into shapes and figures it recognizes from previous experiences and then labeling and identifying the shape/connection of pixels and then assigning a label 'deer' and then meaning to the label which in this case was excitement/opportunity/beauty/majesty etc.
In life we do the same thing. We are connecting dots/pixels or streams of visual light and and then assigning a label to the arrangement of the dots that we're connecting and then assigning contextual meaning to the arrangement or connection of dots.
How often in Life do we connect dots and assign dysfunctional, limiting or confining labels and meanings to the dots that WE'RE arranging and labeling. For instance, if you pull up your bank account balance on your phone/computer, the pixels are arranged, and through contrast (black pixels against white pixels) we see the numbers. The numbers are just numbers, but our mind in the connection and arrangement of pixels create meaning. For instance if you had $1,000 in you bank account. You see arrange the pixels in the shape of a number (which you're familiar with and recognize) and then assign a meaning like "oh I'm broke" or "OMG that's amazing I have $1,000" or "OMG I need to make more money" or "OMG I need to work harder" or "OMG I wonder what I could do with all that money" or "OMG I wonder how I could direct and expend that money to help it grow". All of this are reactions that you are choosing. The level of consciousness with which you assign the meaning depends on your programming and perspective. For instance if you believe you need $10,000 to feel safe, then you could unconsciously be interpreting the $1,000 to mean that you "don't have enough money and are therefore unsafe".
This is one small example of what we are doing every second of every day sometimes consciously but mosly unconsciously.
So the exploration is:
What connections are you making between the pixels of your visual experience?
What meanings are you assigning to the connections and shapes of your experience?
How conscious are you when you make those connections and meanings?
Are those connections and meanings functional and empowering or dysfunctional and limiting?
Something to explore!
Have Fun I Love you all!