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IW Deep Work is happening in 3 days
Welcome to the Inner Wilderness Community
This group is for the curious and courageous explorers of self who are looking to better navigate themselves and their life so they can find true resolution and peace with their past, be fully present, and fulfill their purpose and potential. My aim is to provide the information, education, guidance, support, connection/community AND accountabiity to help you understand and manifest the insights and awareness' from your explorations- Psychedelic or otherwise. Feel free to check out the Classroom where you can learn more about me and this community. Understand, that when you join you'll have a week to peruse the community and it's content. After that first week, I will be reaching out to members about their membership. To become a member there will be a $40 monthly recurring charge. Payment will have to be set up through Paypal or other external processor of your choice because Skool's payment processors won't allow me to use them due to the 'nature of my content'. There is also a Premium+ membership of $100 a month that will get you a monthly coaching/accountability call with me so you can get even more personalized support from me. Thank you again for being here I Love you all!
New comment Oct 28
Inner Wilderness Church tomorrow 9AM
Alrighty our inaugural Inner Wilderness Church is happening tomorrow at 9am CST who’s planning on coming, connecting, sharing and celebrating?
2 members have voted
So last week I talked about journaling, this week I want to talk about Meditation. Meditation is a practice that I believe, along with Journaling, are two of the most powerful, foundational and essential practices for a life of TRUE health, ease and prosperity. While there are many different forms and variations of meditation, from still to moving, open to focused, they all have their benefit and their place in the toolbox. While many people meditate, those who have a true consistent and disciplined meditation practice is far fewer. While there is innumerable research articles on the benefits, I care less about 'science' and 'research' and more about how do we feel and what do we notice and experience when we meditate? From an simple processing standpoint, with the amount of data and information that every human is exposed to every day, if we aren't setting aside even a simple 5 or 10 min of intentional stillness and silence, our computing capacity is going to be bogged down just like a computer with 10 different programs and 30 different tabs open. Erick Godsey a podcaster and thought leader, has been focusing a lot of his work recently on the affects and impacts of modern technology on our ability to focus, and he cites numerous sources as to how damaging modern technology is on our ability to focus, comprehend and complete tasks. He proposes the idea that we train our brain and our attention like a professional athlete would train his body. And that meditation is the primary training exercise to become a mental athlete. And that to do so would be one of the most beneficial and supportive endeavors to achieve. As I personally come to grips the observance and intimacy with my own attention and how often it gets pulled away from my desired intention, I have come to see a greater and greater correlation to the intentionality and focus of my attention and the quality of my experience. Which is why I believe that true, deep healing requires incredible attentional capacity. To be able to hold ones focus and attention on their pain, their dysfunction, their dis-ease, their resistance, their story, as well as the beauty, the love, the magic and the abundance of this experience- all requires attentional capacity and all is required for true health and healing.
New comment 9d ago
Journaling Practice
Alright y'all lets talk JOURNALING. I have only a few requirements for the 1:1 clients I work with but two of those requirements is that they have to have a meditation practice and journaling practice. It's inevitable that they won't always be done EVERY day. AND I can't think of two tools as powerful and as fundamental as these two. If someone isn't spending 5 min a day breathing with themselves and writing down their thoughts and inner dialogue, it's hard to make much progress at anything else. Journaling in particular is an amazing way to audit our internal process. Every second we are CONSCIOUSLY processing 100-400 bits per sec (give or take) (unconsciously we're processing 11 Million bits/sec). Over the course of the day we end up consciously processing over 4MB of data. What's happening to all that data though? Who is sorting it and how? If you're living uncosnciously that means that your unconscious programming is filing that all away, and for most people that's a largely unaudited processing system that's mostly dysfunctional and rooted in inadequacy and scarcity. How the hell do we start intentionally and consciously sorting through all that data? Journaling and meditating. With that said I'm planning to create a journaling course to help people get more out of their journal sessions faster, but in the meantime I want to hear from you all. What's your journaling practice/process look like. Drop it in the comments and let's get the conversation going!
New comment 19d ago
Check In
Alright y'all I'm gonna send out the Bat Signal and see who's tuned in to this channel. Time to get honest and check our pulse. If you read this post please like it so I can see who's getting/reading these. If you would comment/reply with your answers to the following questions: 1. Do you believe the Inner Wilderness concept/channel/community IS or CAN BE a supportive and transformative force in your Life? 2. If so, how specifically can I/We support you in creating the Life your Soul desires? 3. What are you currently exploring and integrating in your Inner Wilderness? What are you working on, internally and/or externally? 4. What do you want to see/read/learn/experience from me or this community? In terms of a course, a class, a call, a circle etc? Thanks for being here and participating. I believe this community and platform- if I were to compare it to Bitcoin- is like when Bitcoin was $1.50. It's my desire though that this be a crowd-sourced, peer/community led group that I'm just helping keep on the tracks. So
New comment 19d ago
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Inner Wilderness
For Purpose Driven Psychonauts seeking the tools, community and support to navigate the path toward their fullest potential and purpose.
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