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Hello and welcome my fellow explorers to the Inner Wilderness Community. If you're exploring your Self in the name of expansion, ease and fulfillment, you're in the perfect place. If you're on a path of expanding your Self Awareness and understanding of the Universe and your experience of it, then you've probably already found that this can be a challenging and lonely path. AND, it doesn't HAVE to be. That's why I'm here! To connect and support the curious, courageous, committed and conscious warriors, seekers and explorers. The path is not always easy, and it's impossible to be done alone. This is your central rendezvous point where you can be seen, supported, celebrated and connected to a community of fellow explorers. Deep and expansive self awareness with functional and applicable navigational tools to actually utilize your awareness to create what you desire.
This is a Paid Group, BUT
Because of the 'Nature' of my content. Skool's payment processors won't support my account (this alone is your first reason to join). For full transparency, the first five people to join will get in for free FOR LIFE. After that I ask that all members pay $19 a month. The rate you enter is your rate FOR LIFE. After you join I will reach out to you to arrange payment options. I do this so that I can support the community and it's growth to the best of my ability, AND to recoup the years of work, investment and struggle that it took for me to compile this information so you don't HAVE to struggle. Thank you for understanding I Love you All! Now let's Explore.
This sums up a lot for Me.
This is an image I save from nearly a decade ago. Exploration is not a choice, but rather an imperative. I believe it's an imperative that is as inate to us as breathing. You see it with children and puppies and their infinite curiosity (to where it borders self preservation). It is our nature to desire to see, know, feel and experience MORE!! In order to follow this innate curiosity it's important that we bring a level of intentionality and structrue to that exploration, to ensure that we not only find what we want to find, but experience the path on the way TO IT the way we ALSO want to. Let's explore. Let's explore intentionally. Let's explore collectively. Let's explore with purpose. For the good of all! STARTING WITH YOURSELF FIRST!
This sums up a lot for Me.
Real healing happens in peace.
If you're 'struggling' on the path to self understanding and healing, chances are you probably aren't getting to where you want to go. At least not fast enough. Real, deep healing takes place in moments of peace and calm when your mind and body are open to reconfiguration. That's what healing is in many way, reconfiguring ourselves to support Truth rather than falshoods. Falsehoods like "I'm not enough" or "I'm unloveable". These falshoods cloud our lense of perception when we perceive ourselves and the world around us. These are the falsehoods that are asking us for dismantling and reconfiguration.
Self Criticism & Judgements
If you're like me then you have an incredibly critical and judgemental part of your Self that is CONSTANTLY, analyzing yourself and all the things shameful (wrong, bad, broken, not enough & too much about you). If you're also like me, then this part has helped you grow, accomplish and achieve things that most people don't/can't. However it has also reached it's also taken you as far as it can and it's time for a new part to dominate the lense of perception through which you view yourself and your Life. It may have gotten you to where you ARE but in order to get to where you want to go, it's time to CONFRONT (Face) this part and understand what it's purpose is, what it needs, and what it will take for them to step down and allow a NEW part to dominate your lense of perception. Get intimate, ask questions, create safety for this part, and develop a sense of Trust between your Self and it so it feels safe enough to step down from it's leadership post and allow a more accepting, caring and nurturing part to step forward and lead you from here.
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Inner Wilderness
For Self Explorers looking to understand, navigate and heal themselves through Nature, Movement, Self Reflection and Psychedelics.
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