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Promotion Post
This is where you share what you sell in the comments! This will be the place to make short intros to others who could be referral partners and for members of your POD to find your offers. Make all posts in the comments! Share links to pages where appropriate!
New comment 6h ago
Master the The Follow-Up
The Follow-Up: How to Turn Connections into Meaningful Business Relationships We’ve all been there—you attend a networking event, connect with some great people, and then…nothing. Why? Because networking without follow-up is just socializing. If you want to build a network that matters, you have to make follow-up a priority. Here’s how to do it effectively: 1. Follow Up Quickly Timing matters. Aim to follow up within 48 hours of meeting someone. Send a personalized message that references something specific from your conversation. This helps build a stronger connection and shows that you’re engaged and serious. 2. Provide Value Right Away In your follow-up message, offer value—this could be a resource, an introduction, or even a solution to a challenge they mentioned. The key is to position yourself as a trusted resource, not just another contact in their inbox. 3. Set the Next Step Don’t let the conversation end after the first follow-up. Suggest a clear next step, whether it’s a virtual coffee, a brainstorming session, or collaborating on a project. Keep the momentum going and move the relationship forward. 4. Stay Top of Mind You don’t need to follow up constantly, but you do need to stay in touch. Set reminders to check in every few weeks or months, depending on the relationship. The more consistently you show up, the more likely you’ll be remembered when opportunities arise. 5. Make it Personal Remember, networking is about relationships, not transactions. Keep your follow-ups personal and authentic. Show genuine interest in the person, not just what they can offer you. Building a strong network takes time, but when you master the art of follow-up, you turn initial connections into meaningful, long-lasting relationships. Looking forward to connecting you to your PODS, who is ready to invite others to this community and earn a 50% affiliate?
New comment 6h ago
Your Ideal Client
Who’s Your Ideal Client? One of the keys to success is knowing exactly who you’re talking to. Think of it like Stephen King writing all his novels with his wife in mind. He didn’t care if millions read his books—he focused on just one person. You should do the same. Create a detailed picture of your perfect client. What industry are they in? What’s keeping them up at night? When you know who you’re talking to, your marketing and messaging will hit home. When the community knows who you serve, we can refer and introduce you to higher quality potential clients and referral partners!! Let's Us Know Here 👇🏼
@Suzanne Taylor-King I am blown away by the power of Ai and what it is capable of! SHOCKED! Thank you for making it less overwhelming.
New comment 4d ago
Email Subject Line Generator
Google spreadsheet to brainstorm & give ideas for email subject lines based on fillable content and keywords, automatically populate the ideas! Try this for you next email and check open rates! Mine are 63% the average in the industry is less than 20% Subject Line Generator **Make a Copy
New comment 4d ago
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Idea Lab for Entrepreneurs
Invite-only group w/ Suzanne Taylor-King, strategy, knowledge, networking, business growth, and building relationships with vetted professionals.
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