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Alternative Therapy Options - Part IV: EMDR
Short for: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR has been proven to be specifically effective when struggling with PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). I even have friends and acquaintances who have engaged in EMDR when nothing else helped. And, it supported them in even getting rid of PTSD and be symptom-free. So how does EMDR work? The first trial took place in 1989, hence it's a fairly new treatment method. It is based in moving your eyes a certain way while you process traumatic events, typically with the help of an experienced practitioner. Why is it more effective than traditional 'talking' therapy? It simply doesn't require you to talk. EMDR addresses your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors directly without you having to explain or say something. Isn't that great? Traumatic events get stored differently in the brain when compared with positive or neutral experiences. There tends to be a disconnect between the language we'd associate with it and what we heard, felt, or saw when we experienced that event. Have you tried it already?
Alternative Therapy Options - Part III: Reiki
Reiki is an energy healing method originally from Japan. 🎎 In a large-scale study done by Dyer et al. (2019) with more than 1,100 Reiki sessions, they observed that: "Statistically significant improvements were observed for all outcome measures, including positive affect, negative affect, pain, drowsiness, tiredness, nausea, appetite, shortness of breath, anxiety, depression, and overall well-being." That is a large enough statistically relevant data set to show scientific proof that Reiki IS beneficial to healing a wide variety of issues. Typically, a Reiki session lasts somewhere between 30-60min and is performed 1:1 directly with the practitioner. Why I love it (same as sound healing): I don't have to do anything other than just lie there and get to relax completely. It's a fabulous method to go beyond the mind and heal on a different level. Often times, I will not understand what exactly happened during such session. However, I also noticed that that doesn't matter. What matters is that every single time I feel lighter and better afterwards, and notice that something shifted. And whatever it was will typically enter my consciousness a couple hours or days later. πŸ‘‰ Have you tried Reiki before? Would you give this a try?
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Alternative Therapy Options - Part II: Animal-Based Therapy
This type of therapy has long been associated with use mostly for disabled people, such as swimming with dolphins or engaging with horses. However, in recent years, the scientific community started acknowledging the positive and grounding effects of dealing with our (sometimes non-)furry friends. Some of the most common benefits are: - Feeling more calm - 'Getting out of one's head' --> i.e. focusing more on one's heart and deeper healing that wasn't possible by just accessing one's mind - Reduction of anxiety, depression, and several other mental health challenges - Quicker adjustment to new environments and places Here's how I've used this kind of therapy: 🐢 Getting over jetlag quicker while taking care of dogs or cats 🐈 Volunteered at a local cat shelter to get acclimatised quicker, support something local wherever I travel, and force myself to spend time off my phone 🐴 Having a direct mirror of what is really going on within me, or what may be the true source of what's bothering me 🦦 Remind myself of practicing gratitude and deep breathing - i.e. being in the moment 🐹 Letting go of any negative emotion that may be occupying my mind and heart space Have you done any kind of animal therapy? Do you live with a pet? Tell us in the comments below πŸ‘‡
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New comment May 15
Alternative Therapy Options - Part II: Animal-Based Therapy
Alternative Therapy Options - Part I: Soundhealing or Soundbaths
Before you keep scrolling...gimme a minute. I know, I know...some might call this woo-woo. But, human beings have been using the power of sound since thousands of years. We simple need to remind ourselves of this: when notes are played in coherences, they create harmony. When they're incoherent, there is musical chaos. We also know that music equals certain frequencies and that each human emotion has a certain frequency (e.g. 'Letting Go' book by David R. Hawkins). As a result, music directly influences our being...AND it can also alter it. To use a more scientific term, the perineural system in our body is responsible for aligning with these frequencies. It transmits biomagnetic pulsations throughout our entire body and has an intense power of changing our nervous system. So, how do you find sound healing or where do you do it? Typically, you can just google sound healing or sound bath sessions wherever you are in the world. I highly recommend doing it in person for the best effect. It is often hosted in a group session environment, guided with a few words, but mostly keeping it to instruments, such as gongs, tuning forks, didgeridoos, gongs, crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, frame drums, whistles, flutes, rain sticks and the voice. If you want to dig deeper on the scientific side of this powerful therapy, check out e.g. the chapter "Sound Healing, Theory, and Practice" in the book "Nutrition & Integrative Medicine" (2019). Have you tried sound healing before? What was your experience? If you haven't tried it yet, what are some reservations you may have about it? Let us know in the comments below. πŸ‘‡
New comment May 13
Alternative Therapy Options - Part I: Soundhealing or Soundbaths
Access The Power of Your Subconscious Mind With This Exercise
Check out the video below πŸ‘‡
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New comment Apr 22
Access The Power of Your Subconscious Mind With This Exercise
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