Understanding Imposter Syndrome - My Personal Take
I've been hearing from a lot of new entrepreneurs and leaders lately that they're struggling with imposter syndrome. For those unfamiliar with the term, imposter syndrome is when you feel like you don’t belong or that you're not qualified for the role you’re in, despite your achievements. You start doubting whether you deserve your success.
Personally, I’ve never felt like I had imposter syndrome. I think part of the reason is that I only speak about the things I’ve truly experienced or facts I’ve studied deeply. My confidence comes from knowing I’ve walked the walk, even if my age doesn’t necessarily match up to the experience I’ve accumulated.
I’ve been working since I was pretty young—starting with under-the-table landscaping in middle school to eventually becoming the Founder & CEO of OmniHR. That journey involved a lot of jobs and industries, each one teaching me valuable lessons.
Here's a fun exercise (PS, if you are dealing with imposter syndrome, why don't you try the same exercise) let’s see if I can remember all the jobs I’ve had over the years:
  • Activities Assistant at Regent's Park Nursing Home
  • Cashier and Cart Attendant at Target
  • Secretary for a Private Psychiatrist
  • Pre-Load Package Handler at UPS
  • Hospital Corpsman in the U.S. Navy
  • Department Supervisor at UPS
  • Sr. Administration Specialist at Maximus
  • HR Director to CEO at Combat Connect
  • General Manager for MBR Domino's Franchise
  • Founder & CEO of OmniHR
On top of that, I’ve earned a Bachelor's in Health Science and a Master's in Business Administration.
Listing everything out like this feels a bit surreal, but these experiences have shaped me. And this is why I don’t feel like an imposter. Every role I’ve had, every challenge I’ve overcome, is part of the journey that makes me qualified to speak about leadership and entrepreneurship.
So, if you're struggling with imposter syndrome, take a moment to look at your own journey. It might surprise you how much you've already achieved. Trust in your experience and keep moving forward.
Manuel Martinez
Understanding Imposter Syndrome - My Personal Take
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