I was a member of the churches of Christ for 18 years. I was very different when I started than who I became in that system.
The outgoing, confident girl who went there to find community in college didn’t know that all of the parts of her that made HER smile would be the things she would be expected to let go of in order to be a GODLY WOMAN.
I learned that the Me who asked a lot of questions was perceived as a threat and insubordinate to certain male leaders.
I learned that the artist ME would be considered a “waste of time” since my real priorities were memorizing scripture in prep for Bible battles with unbelievers and eventually having babies.
I learned that LEADER-ME was offensive to God because women are allowed to do THAT! I didn’t understand why but they had scripture so I accepted it.
I didn’t know any better.
I trusted them.
But when my marriage was crumbling from my husband’s deception around his addiction to pornography, I didn’t have a space to feel safe and be REAL about what I was feeling.
Until I found my Babywearing community.
Turns out moms with Babywearing-size babies are really just looking for community. We had a FB Group that was booming between 1 and 4 am while we were up nursing our babies! And I could vent there without judgment. They became my safe space.
So as you look around your life, where are those spaces for you?? My hope is that this group will be one. Because here, you don’t have to be anything other than what you are in this moment. 💛