17 elements to a high converting offer
Hey everyone!
Since Brian had this awesome idea of adding this section to discuss offer promotion and feedback on the server I thought of sharing the system that has worked best for me and my clients.
I've learned many many ways of structuring offers, some are shorter, some are longer, some focus more on storytelling, others in changing limiting beliefs or objections...
But this formula in particular works great and is really easy to use.
I learned it from Sabri Suby, definitely check out his stuff if you wanna expand your marketing toolset.
But this post is not meant to plug him, it's about giving you an idea or two to use in your own offer to sell more with less friction in the process.
Hope this helps you structure and polish what you got.
Here's a quick rundown of the 17 elements of an irresistible offer:
1.- Audience: Call out those who get the most value from your product.
2.- Hook: You got this already nailed down
3.- Backup: 1 sentence to explain why you can deliver on your promise
4.- Intrigue: Reel them in by helping them imagine their life after buying your product
5.- Problem: Diagnose the symptoms and make them want the solution
6.- Solution: What people usually try, why it doesn't work, and how it should be done
7.- Credentials: How are you qualified to help?
8.- Benefits: All the good things they'll get from working with you... one thing that works great here is the "1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 10 years after" where you basically show the impact of your work in the short term all the way out to the long term.
9.- Social Proof: Testimonials, case studies and other examples of how your work did what it promises
10: Offer: What's included and how it works
11: Bonuses: lil extras you can sprinkle in your offer to make it more attractive without raising delivery costs.
12: Value Stack: Everything they get with the value they create to anchor a high price in the head of prospects before dropping the actual price
13: Price: How much does it go for and what options are available to purchase
14: Scarcity: Give people a reason to buy now instead of later
15: Guarantee: Minimize the perceived risks by your prospect to make them feel confident taking the next step
16: CTA: Invite them to take the first step in their journey
17: PS. One last thing to keep in mind or to remind them why they should act now.
And that's it!
Having these elements in your offer will help you get the best conversion rate possible ;P
Let me know if you have any questions about this in the comments :)
Sebastian Lecona
17 elements to a high converting offer
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