The 'M's of the Day: Muddled, Momentum, and Motivation
The opposite of clarity is muddled.
It is what happens when you overthink things.
It is what happens when you are surrounded in clutter.
It is what happens when You are surrounded by people that are not where you want to be and drag you down.
Momentum plays a crucial role in goal achievement for several reasons:
  1. It keeps you moving in the right direction
  2. It helps you achieve milestones along the way
  3. It helps you feel like you're making progress
Creating Momentum
To build initial momentum toward your goals:
Build a system for keeping track of what you're doing each day towards your goals. It's okay to skip once, (Everyone needs flexibility in life.) But make it an rule to never skip two days in a row.
Creating Motivation
Motivation follows action.
Anytime you have a chance, Favor action.
Do not wait for motivation. Motivation will come.
Act on your values. Not passing feelings. (Not to say that feelings don't matter, but that is another conversation. ;)
Make a Clear Plan
Clarity is intrinsically tied to motivation. Without a clear objective, it's tough to stay motivated. Take time to:
  • Reflect on and interrogate your proposed objectives
  • Visualize the road ahead and ultimate prize
  • Break down your goal into bite-sized chunks
  • Identify potential challenges and how to overcome them
Your goals should be:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound
  • Evaluated regularly
  • Reviewed and adjusted as needed
Take Consistent Action
  • Schedule dedicated time to work on your goal
  • Do something every day, even if it's small
  • Focus on frequency over quantity
Sustaining Momentum
Once you've built initial momentum, here's how to keep it going:
Remember Your "Why"
Draw from your original passion and commitment. Ask yourself:
  • What do I want?
  • Why do I want it?
  • Who does it benefit?
Track Your Progress
Use a system that works for you, like:
  • Checklists in a planner
  • Whiteboard tracking
  • Regular check-ins with an accountability partner
Celebrate Small Wins
Don't diminish your accomplishments just because you haven't reached the end goal yet. Recognize and reward yourself for progress.
Stay Adaptable
Be prepared to adjust your approach as circumstances change. Flexibility is key to maintaining momentum long-term.
By focusing on clarity, consistent action, and adaptability, you can harness the power of momentum to propel yourself toward your goals.
  1. take small steps
  2. simplify when needed
  3. and don't worry about days when it feels like you've took one step forward and two back growth is like the stock market -- it looks very unproductive and unpredictable when you're staring at it too close, but if you zoom out you can see the trend of growth.
Benjamin Cherry
The 'M's of the Day: Muddled, Momentum, and Motivation
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