The Invisible Threshold
That liminal space between 'no longer and not quite yet' really captures the mind.
And that's the point.
The HOW or the means to get from here to there captures the mechanical mind that likes structure, systems, steps and answers. "How do I get from this level to that?", you ask.
The second you ask the question from that level of energy, you place the creative energy outside of you and you might as well be shouting from the rooftops and into the great cosmic void, "I am NOT THAT which I prefer to experience!" does the mind solve a problem originating from the mind?
It doesn't.
And there is no problem.
No threshold.
No border.
No this or THAT.
Just more mental constructs and playthings of the mind that make you feel like a rat in a maze.
The mind constructs some elusive border or threshold of success that, once crossed, equals freedom, success, or prosperity in a myriad of forms.
It doesn't exist.
Unless you have ideas and beliefs that it does.
And you'll go searching for this or that ONE BELIEF that's responsible for your lack of movement, sometimes while ceasing all movement forward.
Maybe you want to search for and coax forward all the beliefs keeping you from what you want, the things you blame for keeping you in this liminal space and limbo between the old you and the new you.
Want to know the quickest way to bring your shit beliefs out of hiding?
Reach for something entirely new that takes you out of your comfort zone of what felt SAFE for you up until now.
Those beliefs will show up right on cue. Like immediately. No searching required.
Those misperceptions are guaranteed to come into full focus the second you start to reach for something new and start acting on it.
It's like clockwork. Your consciousness will show you exactly everything that YOU have placed between you and THAT-- all the ideas, beliefs, thought structures you may have adopted and then adapted to over a lifetime, now front and center, creating that invisible threshold.
Why is it invisible?
Because it can only exist if you continue to perceive yourself in error-- as a limited being who is at the mercy of forces perceived as outside of the self.
You're an infinite Creator Being, playing with limitless potential while masquerading in a meat-suit agreeing to play with space and time as limiting constructs.
If you can grasp this paradox, you can play with reality and infinite possibility in a whole new way.
You can remember who you are and free your mind so you can tap into ever expansive portions of Consciousness where every resource you can imagine is already available to you.
We are way beyond mindset here.
We're in much deeper territory.
You can Design the Mind to respond to your distinct and clear instructions for a preferred experience of life and your life's work.
You can train your body to resonate with what is in your imagination so it can harden into fact.
BIG difference.
Want to learn how to play with Consciousness at this level?
Now that you've wet your beak in my playground, notice how you feel.
Close your eyes and BREATHE.
Go back and read this post again.
And then kindly share with me down below what this awakens in you.
Kathryn Mussell
The Invisible Threshold
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