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🚨ALERT!! Course In The Making🚨
If you go to the classroom section, you may see a little course there, there’s nothing in it yet but it is in the making, in the course I will SHOW you the Framework of how to workout and make gains even with Scoliosis 👀
New comment Aug '24
🚨ALERT!! Course In The Making🚨
Welcome Scoliosis peeps!
Since this community has just started, would you mind introducing yourself to the community to start things up 😎. Tell me.. how have you been managing your scoliosis, what is important to you, what problems you have, what you like, and.. why not tell us your story! 🤙🏾 This community is under construction in the current moment so don’t worry! Stuff is happening behind the scenes 😉 SIDE NOTE: (The community’s value will be built overtime by creating solutions to whatever problems you present to me.. so whatever problem you have or want 2 talk about,, Do Say!) And to the nature of this message: WELCOME TO THE NATION MY FRIEND!!
New comment Aug '24
Welcome Scoliosis peeps!
Start Here!
This community is for people that have scoliosis to the extent that it bothers them. Here in this community I plan in providing tips and tricks on managing scoliosis in all sorts of ways, including in the gym, psychological impacts, physical pains, and everything scoliosis! All at home at probably zero cost, we will gather all different types of information that different people also in this community also provide and may be useful to you as a scoliosis patient and as a community to manage your scoliosis. Feel free to say anything and introduce yourself in this scoliosis community, I will be making courses overtime to help you manage scoliosis, and overtime meeting with professionals to help y’all out! Welcome to the community 🤙🏾 〰️
New comment Aug '24
Start Here!
Do You Have Facial Assymetry?
I recently just realized that a lot of people that have scoliosis also have facial asymmetry problems, ofcourse not many people are completely 100% symmetrical though I realized for people with scoliosis especially tend to have a lot of facial assymetry problems.. do you experience something similar? Another way you can find out is if there is uneven right-to-left tongue pressure onto the roof of the mouth. // The concept is, your tongue is supposed to rest onto the roof of your mouth which pushes up the maxilla’s, basically two bones (left & right) separated by a small boundary called a suture. And so when putting some pressure by also using a suction hold onto the roof of the mouth, it will upswing you maxilla and make your face will look a lot better And so you can imagine, if you only apply pressure to one side, or pressure more on one side of the maxilla then the other, the maxilla will grow and upswing more on that side then the other, and not to mention the maxilla is also basically right under the eye, and when that develops, the maxilla also pushes up other parts of the skull to be bigger and leaving the side you don’t put much pressure to be smaller, and therefore creating assymetry in the face such as an eye assymetry.. // So just wanted to ask if you experience any noticeable facial assymetry and if you feel any assymetrical pressure of the tongue into the roof of the mouth, anyone? SIDE NOTE: Mewing is best explained by the creator themselves, you can search Dr. Mike Mew
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Do You Have Facial Assymetry?
How much do you bench bro?
Just wanna know.
New comment Aug '24
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Scoliosis Nation
At Home Managing Scoliosis Tips & Tricks, Latest Information, Courses, etc At Almost Zero Cost!
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