Though we might not all be Christians, we can certainly use the upcoming holiday season to help give us one more push before the end of the year. I understand that the Twelve Days of Christmas usually refers to the twelve days after Christmas, but we can move them a little earlier in the month to help us get our pilot program ready to launch in January.
Let's see what we can do over the next 12 days without stretching ourselves too thin.
Day 1: Take 1 hour and focus on your niche (Who you help and the problem you help them solve).
Day 2: Take 1 hour and finalize your niche.
Day 3. Take 1 hour and consider your offer. (How do you help your niche overcome their problem?
Day 4: Take 1 hour and finalize your offer.
Day 5: Take 1 hour and map out the steps you would take to fulfill this offer. (i.e. map out your course)
Day 6: Take 1 hour and finalize your offer map.
Day 7: Take 1 hour and outline the activities and materials you would need to prepare for each of the steps in your offer map (no creation, just an inventory).
Day 8: Take 1 hour and outline the activities and materials you will need to prepare for each of the steps in your offer map.
Day 9: Take 1 hour and choose a platform (social media, phone contact list, or email) that you can use to reach out to warm leads (people you know) and reach out to 50 people and tell them about your upcoming pilot course. Ask them if they know anyone who might be interested.
Day 10: Take 1 hour and choose a platform (same as Day 9 or otherwise) that you can use to reach out to warm leads (people you know) and reach out to another 50 people and tell them about your upcoming pilot course. Ask them if they know anyone who might be interested.
Day 11: Take as long as you need to follow up with leads and get them signed up for January. Reach out to 50 more people if needed.
Day 12: Follow up with any remaining leads and create two checkpoints (or warm-up activities) your clients can do to stay motivated for the class while they wait for the official launch in January.
These are just suggested timings, but the main point is that with a little bit each day, you can achieve big gains.
This is WHAT you need to do, but if you need help with the HOW (i.e. How do I reach out to clients or keep them warm while they wait for the launch) then reach out to us for a 1-1 strategy session and we鈥檒l talk about what might work best for you. Good luck with this challenge and Happy Holidays!