Selling is hard - do this to sell more
Selling is hard - sales calls are even harder.
I’ve been fortunate enough to generate over $600K in revenue in the past 2.5 years from sales calls.
In tomorrow’s newsletter, I’ll be sharing some techniques that I’ve learned in that time.
This post certainly isn’t to brag. I hope if you know me, that’s not really my style. But I also think that when it comes to selling and those of us in education, we need to see, hear, and experience more of it, and how it can be done in a style that aligns with our values.
That’s what I always strive to do. And I’ve been quite successful at it.
But not at first. I remember my first 60 days selling and it was, franky, brutal.
I heard a lot of the usual:
  • “This is great. Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.”
  • “This sounds perfect - I’m a little busy right now, but I’ll start as soon as my calendar clears up.”
  • “This is exactly what I need - money’s tight right now, but I’ll let you know as soon as that changes.”
And then, of course, never hear from the majority of those people again. I was frustrated and unsure why this was happening, over and over again on my sales calls.
And then I realized an important reflection: I wasn’t giving my prospects permission to buy my offer.
This may sound strange - like it should be the other way around - but it’s not. Sales is all about helping, not selling - if done correctly.
In tomorrow’s newsletter, we break this down and how to overcome these objections early in your calls so you don’t hear the dreaded “I need to think about it” at the end.
These objections include the:
  • I’m busy objection
  • Support objection
  • Lack of urgency objection
  • Free objection
If you do this, you’ll sell more, but really help more people who want you to help them. If finances are the only objection you’re hearing, congrats, you’ve done your job - you’ve given them permission to help themselves.
If you’re already a subscriber, it’ll arrive at 10:15AM eastern time tomorrow. If not, you can subscribe here.
Hope this is helpful.
How has your sales experience been?
Andrew Woodbury
Selling is hard - do this to sell more
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