Kids - where my party people at?
So ok, here's the thing:
I love your podcast, I've binged on a TON of the episodes, I love your approach, I love listening to the speakers you invite on, your courses and offers sound amazing. Awesome.
But (you saw it coming) I work with kids. I'm starting up my business teaching KIDS English (in France, not online). Trying to make it profitable from the start, and always grappling with the beloved imposter syndrome <3
So here are my two questions:
-What can you do TODAY to define your niche (nah jk those are your questions)
-Where my party people at?
That is to say, where are the people who have a similar approach but for kids? Or am I seriously going to have to create my own podcast? Because let's face it, kids are a whole other ball game. Does the extensive research exist?? I've looked for it time and time again, I can't find it. Are we seriously just letting everyone teach kids English without even knowing what works?
-Do y'all only help people wanting to build up online businesses? Because I'm not so sure that's my thing, but I still love what you do.
Thanks for being there and showing us another way is possible.
Esther M
Kids - where my party people at?
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