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Opt in to SMS for DR workflows
I must be missing something. If I am signing up a new client and setting up a new number in High Level, how am I allowed to text these people with the DR workflow? They would need to opt in, right? Am I missing that in the process? Maybe I just need to start with an email and send them to a form to opt in? If that is the case, why aren’t the workflows set up that way? Aren’t all of our new clients going to need to get their lists to opt in first? Thank you for your help!
New comment 19h ago
A2P Declined
I need help with getting my A2P approved. Do I need a landing page(s)? Can anyone provide some guidance?
New comment 5d ago
Irish Mobile Numbers
Does anyone know if there is a way to send texts with an Irish number, as the only options I can see are Local numbers? Any insight would be amazing!
New comment 5d ago
Fellow Germans?
Hello guys. Are any people from Germany in this group. I would love to get to know how you handle the whole data protection compliance stuff concerning DR and the problem with registering a telephone number in Germany. Feel free to DM me, id love to connect :)
New comment 5d ago
Do we now have to use the keyword, START, instead of YES in our DR campaigns?
When I was testing a DR campaign with SMS and replied to the offer with the keyword, Yes, a notification popped up, saying that DND was enabled by the customer. So I asked HL, and Highly, the Bot, said that the temporary DND can be updated (disabled) from within the contact record and the permanent DND can only be removed if the contact replies with the keyword, “Start” or the agency shares the contacts Opt-in info with support for approval. Okay firstly, when I create the contact and hit save, the DND is already off, for all channels (SMS, Email, GBP, etc…) so I don’t have to update to disable it; it’s already disabled, and then when I reply with the keyword, Yes, the DND enabled notification pops up which shuts down the workflow. I could then go into the contact record to disable the DND and then manually move the contact to the next stage in the workflow but how efficient would that be for a SMS campaign? Secondly, when I tested the keyword, Start, the DND did disable itself, however, it still stopped the workflow which means manually, moving the contact to the next stage in the workflow. Is there something that I’m missing because the snapshot that uploaded from Robb is using the keyword, Yes.
New comment 5d ago
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