The most valuable skill I learned as a Software Engineer has nothing to do with coding.
As a Software Engineer, you are constantly expected to solve new problems.
When I joined PeatechLLC , I had never written a line of OXWALL. But there I was, building my first project in OXWALL.
Software Engineering teaches you how to learn ANYTHING quickly and efficiently.
It builds your confidence to dive into the unknown and figure things out.
This skill is invaluable in all aspects of life:
Want to start investing? You can teach yourself.
Interested in a new hobby like music or art? You have the ability to learn it.
Software Engineering empowers you with the ultimate meta-skill - the ability to learn anything.
Once you have that, your potential is limitless, both in your career and in life.
The code you write may become obsolete. But learning how to learn is a superpower that will serve you forever.