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Agency Project Proposal Template
Added something in Business Mindset, by far it is something most valuable. It is something every business owner struggles with. First I was waiting to share it with only premium members, but changed my mind
New comment Jun 5
Agency Project Proposal Template
This is how it will Work
We will be uploading Videos soon. You can access videos at your own pace. Please provide us feedback on courses. Every Instructor will take Live Q&A sessions every week. People who will be on the leaderboard will get exclusive perks
New comment Jun 25
Hello Everyone , Welcome to Glitch Tribe .
As we continue to grow and strengthen our community, I thought it would be wonderful for us to take a moment to introduce ourselves. Getting to know each other better will help us connect and collaborate more effectively.
New comment Jun 25
Embark on a thrilling journey through the various stages of Web Development.
. . . Do Like 👍👍 & Repost 🔄📲 .......................................................... 🤝follow Deepak Shankar Dubey 📲 for more... .......................................................... 🚀 **Stage 1: HTML5** Master the foundations of web development with HTML5, understanding the structure and semantics of web pages. ✨ **Stage 2: CSS** Improve the appearance and style of your web pages with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), exploring layout, design, and responsiveness. 🔄 **Stage 3: Git, GitHub** Grasp version control using Git and GitHub, essential for managing project history and collaborative efforts. 🛠️ **Stage 4: Project Using HTML, CSS, Git** Apply your knowledge by developing a project that integrates HTML, CSS, and version control tools. 🔧 **Stage 5: JavaScript** Elevate interactivity and functionality with JavaScript, enabling dynamic and engaging web experiences. 🔗 **Stage 6: React/Angular/Vue/Svelte** Delve into modern frameworks (React, Angular, Vue, Svelte) to construct interactive and scalable web applications. 🔨 **Stage 7: Project Using HTML, CSS, Git, JavaScript, Framework** Blend all your learnings to create a comprehensive project using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, your chosen framework, and version control. 🌐 **Stage 8: Node.js** Explore server-side development using Node.js, allowing JavaScript to run on the server and facilitating backend development. 📂 **Stage 9: MongoDB** Dive into MongoDB, a NoSQL database, to comprehend data storage and retrieval for web applications. 🔗 **Stage 10: API** Learn about creating and consuming APIs, enabling communication between different software systems. 🚀 **Stage 11: Project Using Full Stack Technologies** Implement a project that integrates HTML, CSS, JavaScript, your chosen framework, Node.js, MongoDB, and API. ⚙️ **Stage 12: Full Stack Development** Adopt the full-stack approach, merging frontend and backend technologies to create robust and scalable applications.
Embark on a thrilling journey through the various stages of Web Development.
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