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Money and Happiness
People often say that money can’t buy happiness. I completely disagree with that. Money can absolutely buy happiness, if you know how and where to spend it. Imagine you have loved ones working tirelessly at minimum wage jobs, struggling every day. Telling them they don’t have to worry about bills or living expenses anymore – that’s going to bring a genuine smile to their faces. You’ve essentially bought someone’s happiness. To those who argue money can’t buy happiness, let’s try a simple experiment. Take a trip to a third-world country, find a child who hasn’t eaten properly in days, and buy them a hot meal. Watch their smile and tell me that isn’t real happiness. Money does buy happiness, but not in the way you might think. It’s not about splurging on luxury items like expensive clothes, cars, or watches. That’s a shallow view. True happiness comes from something deeper. For men, it’s about being a competent provider and protector for their families. Providing for them, that’s where real happiness lies. Now, as we move through the year, people start worrying about spending “too much” on things that matter. This really boils down to what you prioritize in life. I see people spending hundreds on a night out, yet they complain about the cost of investing in their loved ones. Life has become commercialized, and in many ways, we’re told not to “waste” money. But it’s also an opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. It doesn’t always have to be about spending money, but when it comes to meaningful gestures, it’s a chance to make someone feel special. Don’t waste your money on meaningless things. But a thoughtful gesture for your mom, dad, sibling, or friend? That’s priceless. The joy you bring to someone’s life is invaluable. So, my take is this: Invest your time, your energy. Make it a big deal for your family and friends. Don’t just think about the cost. And don’t view it as an expense. Think about the impact you’re making. There’s no ROI more important than making your family feel loved.
Money and Happiness
How to Get Lucky
Luck is not some random, unpredictable force. It's not a lottery ticket you win or lose. Luck is a skill, and like any skill, it can be developed, honed, and mastered. You build up your ability to get lucky in life the same way you build any other skill: through consistent effort, deliberate practice, and focus. Think about it… The "luckiest" people you know aren't just lucky by chance. They've put themselves in a position to be lucky. They've worked hard, they've taken risks, they've created opportunities for themselves. They've proven to the universe that they're worthy of receiving its blessings. It's like training a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. The more you put yourself out there, the more opportunities will come your way. Luck is attracted to ACTION. If you want to get lucky, start by proving to the universe that you're worthy of it. Work hard, take risks, be persistent. Lightning won't strike you when you’re sitting inside. You can BE LUCKY - Luke
How to Get Lucky
The Moment You Stop Fighting, You Start Losing.
You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be… Everything that is happening in your life right now is all happening according to you. Whether you’re in a dark place… Or on top of the world… You deserve to be where you are. The way I see it, you can’t fully control the things that happen to you in this life. That much is a given. But what you CAN control is how you respond to them. And the way you respond will completely dictate where your life heads. Prime example, losing a fight…. Now you can either choose to let that defeat you, or you learn from it and keep moving. I ALWAYS choose to learn from my failures. But the exact opposite can happen too. Imagine you win the biggest fight of your life. You’re now world champion. Congrats… What now? See, most guys will get comfortable with that level of success. And that’s exactly where you stop improving. Pretty soon you lose that title because you failed to defend it. Your mistakes? 1. You couldn't handle that level of success 2. You got comfortable with the success Just like with failure, how you handle success dictates the life you deserve. And being comfortable isn't winning; it's giving up the fight. Every victory is just a step in a much larger battle. True warriors don't seek comfort; they thrive in the struggle. If you think you can relax, think again. That’s when you start losing. Life is a constant fight for what you believe in—your goals, your values, your dreams. Never fool yourself into thinking you’ve made it. The moment you stop fighting, you start losing. - Luke
The Moment You Stop Fighting, You Start Losing.
The Other Version of You
I need you to understand this fully. Read it over twice if you have to… Right now, there is a version of you out there who is MILES above you… Because he does everything he’s supposed to. And achieves anything that he can set his mind to. He’s an inspiration and pillar of strength to everyone around him. And takes care of everyone he loves. This version of you… Never gives up… Never bitches or complains… And acts with speed and certainty with EVERY idea he has ever had… His spirit can NEVER be broken. So the universe rewards his efforts everyday. As long as he keeps fighting, he becomes better than you in every single way. Ask yourself… If you had to fight this version of you one day… Would you be able to win? Would you even be able to keep up with him? Or would you instantly fall…? - Luke
The Other Version of You
The worst move possible...
The road to success is never going to be as straightforward as you may want it to be. You’re always going to regress every now and then and sometimes even fall off. There is nothing wrong with that. That’s just part of the whole journey. In fact, I’d argue that if you don’t feel like you are about to lose everything every couple of years, you’re doing it wrong anyways. The best you can do in these situations is review and reflect on the best course of action every step of the way. What you DON’T want to do is stop…. Because the worst possible move you can make is not moving at all. Just keep moving forwards and accept that the path you’re taking is full of uncertainty and challenges. Don't be afraid of it, that's where the growth happens. - Luke
The worst move possible...
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