36 Years...
Today I turned 36.
Which is a bit of a strange feeling for me…
Not because I feel like I’m getting old, but because I feel younger than I ever have before.
I feel stronger.
More capable than ever.
I feel completely unstoppable.
Even though I’m 36 years old, I have never felt more on top of the world.
Maybe I don’t run as fast as I used to, but I definitely feel more resilient than my younger self.
The idea that you get weaker as you get older is absolute garbage.
One of the biggest psyops that is fed to you since you were young.
You see it on TV, in movies and everywhere in real life.
If I asked you to imagine a 50 year old man you would all picture a grey haired overweight guy who complains about his back all day…
But why?
Why do you think that it’s normal to become weaker?
THINK about it…
Aren’t you supposed to get stronger everyday?
Why has this idea of negative ageing been implanted into your mind?
Because that’s the narrative society wants you to believe.
They want you to think that your best years are behind you as you age.
But that’s bullshit.
The limits you feel are ones you've set for yourself.
I personally know guys in their 50’s who would completely CRUSH most young men in fair combat.
I'm 36 and doing things I couldn't do at 26.
Every day I’m lifting, running, and pushing my body to limits.
Most guys my age have settled.
They’ve given up on improving and accepted their declining status.
But not me.
And not the men around me.
As long as you’re building your body, enhancing your mind, and respecting your body everyday….
Age will be a badge of honour, not a death sentence.
If you’re a man of high calibre, you’re built to age like fine wine…
Act like it and get stronger everyday.
Don’t let your warrior spirit die.
- Luke
Luke Barnatt
36 Years...
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