What's the point of life if everything is easy?
What's the point if there's no struggle, no challenge to overcome?
Imagine playing a video game where you win EASILY every time, no matter what.
How long would you keep playing?
You'd get bored FAST.
Life is the same.
If you want the best things, you have to work for them.
You have to push yourself, face your fears, and get through the hard times.
A broken heart, empty wallet, and hungry stomach will teach you the best lessons in life.
And you'll never forget them.
Struggle isn't a bad thing.
It makes you stronger, tougher, and smarter.
It's like a fire that burns away weakness and shows you what you're really made of.
Most of you understand this, so why aren't you challenging yourself?
You can't be afraid of hard times.
You have to look forward to them.
Embrace them. Let them test you and make you better.
The easy road might seem nice, but it won't get you far.
It's the hard road, the one with sweat and tears, that leads to the best things in life.
So choose your path.
Do you want an easy life that goes nowhere, or do you want to face challenges and get the biggest rewards?
It's up to you.
Just remember, the best things in life are earned, not given.
- Luke