Sugar + Sweets
Good morning up and ADAM
  1. You don’t have to eliminate sugar from your diet if you are doing H40 the crazy way then you are eliminating SAG sugar, alcohol, and gluten. That may be unsustainable for most people long-term.
  2. Definitely eat sugar and sweets at the end of a meal, and try not to snack on them. This will significantly reduce a blood sugar spike.
  3. Try berberine or a shot of apple cider vinegar before your meal and that will enhance the reduction and blood sugar pretty significantly
  4. I do not eat sugar on carb fasting days
  5. This may sound crazy, but I think some people may be allergic to sugar. I notice when I eat more than a little sugar I get an almost immediate joint and inflammation response. To be allergic to something you need to have an immune response, but if something immediately changes your body for the worse then why do we do it? Pay attention to how sugar makes you feel
  6. Maybe try experimenting with the continuous blood glucose monitor. For me that was an eye-opener. Sugar in the form of a donut, candy bar, big chocolate milkshake, these things give me an almost immediate blood glucose spike, and then crash and I just feel lethargic afterwards.
  7. I think this is something you need to test for yourself, and consume in moderation to satisfy the craving!
Greg Clement
Sugar + Sweets
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