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I paid X creators to learn their growth secrets ✍️
The stats are in! Organic growth on X is officially dead. I posted the exact same long-form post on X (Twitter) and Threads (Instagram). The results are shocking: Twitter: 4 likes - 1 share - 4 comments - 285 views - 0 new followers Threads: 174 likes - 12 shares - 37 comments - 9141 views - 87 new followers So the natural question becomes: • Is it even worth growing X? • And how do you even do it? The answer is yes! I'll post a newsletter for the reasons why you must grow on X. Meanwhile, I paid growth gurus between 15k-200k followers to learn their secrets. Turns out it's a simple checklist! Here it is: • Comment 50 times a day • Send DM's to bigger creators • Write long-form posts and get them retweeted That's literally it, but let's break it down a little further. // X Comments Most people get this wrong and just plug and play AI answers. That is a recipe to NEVER grow. Or if you do, you won't be able to convert followers to 💰. This is the flow: People see a valuable/intriguing/thought provoking comment. > "Who is this guy?" > Checks your profile > Sees your bio and your vibe > Skims your timeline to see anything eye-catching > If they like what they see from a first impression, follows you to "save for later" Forget about leaving comments if they suck, might as well not do it. // Send DM's You'll want to create relationships with creators that have an audience bigger than you. But most people don't know how to talk to people in an non-needy way. The power dynamic is different, you need them, they don't need you. So if you want to get on their good side, you MUST provide VALUE to them. How? Try to genuinely connect with something that they said in a post. • Add your own experience. • Share anything that might be helpful to them as a person or as a brand. • Don't be annoying, be helpful and likeable. // Write long-forms Writing content is not a new thing, but you have to do it in a way that benefits you and others. It can be an insight, value, a story, an experience, or how you overcame a problem.
New comment 3h ago
I paid X creators to learn their growth secrets ✍️
Aged domains and Backlinks
Listening to people talk about buying aged domains that come with quality backlinks. Has anyone tried this method? Speaking of backlinks, anyone use backlink building platforms? I know Google is against this type of strategy but lots of people are saying it’s needed to succeed.
New comment 10h ago
Most online courses are just too much...
I've bought so many courses myself. Don't get me wrong, each one is great and has tons of value. I wouldn't be where I am without them. But most of them have just too much: • Fluff • Endless videos • Thousands of words I'm tired of sifting through hours of fluff just to get to what I'm supposed to do. Overwhelm is a real thing and annoying as hell. So, as a Flow Creator, I'm going to make my own: • Clear • Simple • Easy to do • Steps 1 - 2 - 3 • Proven to work All so you can get paid to create. Who can relate to information overload? 👋
New comment 2d ago
Most online courses are just too much...
Getting Cash Flow
Hey friends! After writing the Cash Flow Playbook, which you will find in the classroom, you'll probably realize that there are essentially only 2 proven ways to make money online consistently and in a meaningful amount: 1. You have a service that you're selling 2. You have a digital product that you're selling Products and services. The internet is made up of that, and businesses operate around it. If you are serious about making any kind of cash online, then this needs to be your number one priority. I get it; blogging and passive income are fine, and most people chase that. But if you desire more control over your finances, then the question becomes: How do you actually go about closing a client for your service? That is a workshop that I will work on because it was requested by Flow Creator members. But I'm curious. What are you struggling with right now when it comes to making money online and creating wealth for yourself? Would a workshop on signing more clients help you today? If not, what do you think would? Let me know below 👇
New comment Aug 12
Getting Cash Flow
The reality of $5k/m online
Making Cash Flow online is not that hard. 1️⃣ Figure out a skill that you have. 2️⃣ Check if that skill is in demand. 3️⃣ Let people know about your skills. I've made over $7k/m for years with only 200 followers. And this is what I've learned: It's not about making the $5k... ...but HOW you get there. Cash is not worth it if it comes with huge amounts of stress and anxiety. I've tried freelancing, and it's like having 5 bosses instead of 1. We want to earn more, but we also want to work less. Instead of monetizing what you do for someone else. Monetize your experience! I got my freedom back once I started doing that.
New comment Aug 12
The reality of $5k/m online
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