8 Week Mass Program
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8 Week Mass Program
For guys who just need some structure and don't really need a ton of hand holding, this kind of thing is useful to get organized. And honestly even if you're an advanced lifter, it can be helpful to use a format like this just because it takes all the decision making out of the process and lets you just focus on being in the gym and hitting it hard. Lots of guys are tripped up by having "too many choices." Hope y'all find this as useful as my guys did.
Coaching Success Handbook
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Coaching Success Handbook
A look at the Flawless Form Training Handbook that I provide for all the people I'm training. It has a lot of tips for making sure that YOU ARE TRAINABLE. Which is to say, it tells you what you should be doing at minimum on your end to make sure any coach you have can maximize your results! It'll also have a great many handy insights into all the things you're probably not thinking about that go into a successful transformation.
High Intensity Intervals
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High Intensity Intervals
Here I discuss this special cardio technique that a lot of fit pros and bodybuilders swear by. What is it, how does it work, and will it get you show ready quicker than a stair mill? Let's dig into it.
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