My Goals.
Hey all.
I have been on my journey for the past 6 months. I have seen progress and I am motivated to keep going. There are always days when it’s harder, but I get back on it pretty quick. There have been little breaks I’ve taken, some situational, some semi deliberate. But I get back on track.
Im trying to be a better version of myself for my family. I’m trying to feel more comfortable as me. And I feel the changes I have made. And people have noticed as well. So I just keep going.
I’m working on losing weight/fat and building muscle as well. I can feel the changes and it feels good. And I want to keep feeling this way if not better.
I’m always looking for more knowledge which led me to this community. Checking it out. Going to try to participate as much as I can.
Thanks for reading.
Robert Yuill
My Goals.
Weight Loss Course - Puffy
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