Write something
Coffee hour is happening in 3 days
Moving to Facebook
Hey everyone! Sorry it’s been awhile but I’m gonna move this group to a facebook group. This is financially draining on us and while I keep building it just makes sense for me to move to something free for me. Love you all and hopefully you’ll join me on Facebook! I will be making posts through my coaching page under the name Fearless Creative Coaching!
New comment 5d ago
Gonna have to reschedule tonight’s meeting. Let me know if tomorrow works for anyone
I Believe In You
Whatever your goals are I believe in you. How ever tall that mountain is in your life I believe in you. How ever dark and scary the storm is that’s going on I believe in you. I believe you can find a way to reach your goals, climb those heights and dance in the rain. Send this to 5 people to help them and look into the mirror and tell yourself this 5 times. Love you all
Tomorrow’s coffee talk I’m gonna go over how to get the personality of your book and how to get the chapters and content. They’re both fun exercises that get your book written quickly. Also would Fridays be better for everyone?
Set yourself up for success
What do you want to accomplish this year? Write it down. What does it look like? Write that down What does it feel like? Write that down Who are you with? Write that down Be specific. Write names, times and dates. Picture it accomplished then, as if looking from a seat in a movie theater see yourself as the hero and main character of this movie. Watch it and use all the emotions and visual cues to feed that need to complete this task. Tell yourself “I am the person that completes this.” Do this as often as you can. Every time you do it feeds the desire to create that outcome. The more you do it the more you’ll want to do it and your steering your ship to the treasure.
Set yourself up for success
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Fearless Creative Coaching
Overcome fear of judgment and imposter syndrome, build confidence, and achieve creative fulfillment! Unleash your creativity!
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