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Fearless Creative Coaching

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4 contributions to Fearless Creative Coaching
Stressed out to Winning
Ever had a week where the hits just keep coming? Not the top 40 hits of todays pop music but the unrelenting hits of things going wrong one after another. That’s where I’ve been at this week. What seems like an unrelenting amount of stress from every which way. Thursday and Friday were the pinnacle of it for me. I just couldn’t get ahead like a boxer catching blows to the face. Like trying to tread water but the waves are splashing your face and you fight to get air. The stress of not sleeping because my 3 year old was having night terrors, trying to get stuff done but the lack of sleep was causing me to stress out and freeze. The dishes were piling high and the mess overloaded my mind with overwhelm Procrastination levels were rising and any to-do list was just too much. I felt defeated and I wanted out. So I needed to change my mind. But how? I needed it to look for something better than things that overwhelm me. So I sat in my feelings, because it’s valid but I set an alarm. An alarm to acknowledge my feelings then to stop being in them. Defeat isn’t all the time, it’s a moment. Then I started to look for things to be grateful for. I needed out of my head and to look for the good. Then I looked for the wins. Where did I win today? Well I fed my son. I’ll take that win. I drank some delicious coffee. There’s a win Then I felt those wins. I let that fill me with energy and the desire for more wins. I brushed my teeth, I made my bed I opened windows all these small wins led me to do the bigger ones. I did the dishes and got on my coaching call and more and more wins started to come. More energy came, my mood improved the stress and overwhelm melted away and I was feeling unstoppable! Made posts, sold some books and even wrote things for my next book. All these things were coming together and my mind kept looking for more ways to win. But it wouldn’t have happened if I stayed in the defeat. If I didn’t set that obnoxious alarm ⏰ to stop the pity party and start the winning party.
New comment 30d ago
Stressed out to Winning
1 like • 30d
Thank you for sharing that 😊
Hey guys a friend of mine started WINSday where you post your wins to keep the momentum going. I’m hella stealing that idea! 😂 Comment a win you have from either just today or this past week. It doesn’t have to be big or on topic just any win.
New comment Aug 15
1 like • Aug 15
Went to see a friend and brought lunch, she’s home bound, it’s hard to see friends not doing well.
Reframing fear
This weeks coffee hour I will help reframe fear and perfectionism. It’s is an open discussion so join and we can talk about what holds you back and some ways to reframe to get you where you want to go!
New comment Aug 7
Reframing fear
1 like • Aug 7
Darren I’ll join next week, we have a house church on Thursday evenings. Thanks for all you do 🔥
Permission Slip
So there I was talking with a friend of mine and we were talking about diets, and a question came up. “Who said eating healthy can’t taste good?” Whenever we try to do something we drudge up excuses. “I need to eat better ugh dieting sucks!” According to who? Who specifically told you that eating foods that are good for your body has to suck? Fresh healthy foods taste amazing! Who specifically told you that you can’t enjoy your job? Who specifically told you that you must grind into burnout feeling too tired to enjoy other parts of your life? Who specifically told you that Mondays are the worse simply because you don’t love what you do? Imagine a life where you’re aligned with what you do. Maybe the job didn’t change but you see the right values it brings to your life where you find more energy and passion for it. Who specifically told you that you have to stay at the job you hate? Who specifically told you that jobs have to suck the life out of you? What about finding a job that aligns with your values that you hold? With this line of questioning I give you permission (not that you truly need it) You’re an adult, you don’t need anyone’s permission but just in case you do I give it to you. I give you permission to live the life you want! A life that is in alignment with who you are so you have more energy and love in your life. A life you deserve! A life that is full of passion and you can look at and be proud and have many memories that bring joy rather than a blur of meh 🫤. If you need permission then I give it to you. Read this permission slip and keep it for as long as you need it. Give yourself permission to move in what moves you. Be pulled by purpose with passion rather than push yourself with willpower towards burnout. —Darren Allan
New comment Aug 2
Permission Slip
1 like • Aug 2
I live this Permission note to ourselves!!
1-4 of 4
Brenda Wallish
15points to level up
I’m 66 and retired, discovering Kingdom purpose

Active 30d ago
Joined Jul 30, 2024
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