Funnels Business Journey
Here’s what worked for me and might help you get started:
1. How many funnels should you build before reaching out?
I’d recommend designing a few funnels as part of your portfolio. When I started, I created around 7-8 funnels to showcase my skills. This gave me something tangible to show potential clients.
2. Should you start building funnels before picking a niche?
Yes, initially, be open to all niches. This approach allows you to explore different areas and find what you enjoy most. Plus, a diverse portfolio can attract a wider range of clients.
3. My starting steps:
- I built 7-8 sample funnels to have a solid portfolio.
- I reached out to clients across all platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).
- I offered to work for free for 2-3 clients to gain testimonials and real-world experience.
- This strategy helped me close 3-4 clients within 2-3 days.
Checkout my portfolio here:
Vibhor Arora
Funnels Business Journey
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