How to Unlock Your Free Workout Plan, Progress Tracker and Nutrition Course
Inside the Faithful Fathers Brotherhood, we want to help you build a God glorifying body FOR FREE.
However, as you already know, seeing results doesn't come without taking action.
We want to be a brotherhood of ACTION TAKERS. ⚔️
That's why in order to unlock your free training & courses, you will have to post & engage within the community.
When someone likes or comments on your post you will get points.
Once you reach 5 points (5 likes/comments) you will unlock your workout plan & progress tracker.
Once you reach 20 points (20 likes/comments) you will unlock you full nutrition course.
Here are some ideas on how to get points easily:
The brothers and I will like and comment on your introduction to welcome you to the community.
2. POST YOUR CURRENT PHYSIQUE - Post your current physique in the 'Progress' tab.
It should follow this format:
Week 1:
Current Weight:
Weight Goal:
Vehicle to Goal: (eg. more protein, less junk food, workout 5 times/week etc.)
This will not only keep you accountable every week, but it will also be an opportunity to gain points.
3. POST VALUABLE CONTENT - this could be a scripture that's inspiring you, a YouTube video that's helped you out lately, some advice you could offer your brothers. Literally anything you think would benefit our community.
Do these three things and you will see the points flowing in and will be unlocking your free content in no time.
God bless you men 🙏
Tevon Casey
How to Unlock Your Free Workout Plan, Progress Tracker and Nutrition Course
Faithful Fathers Brotherhood
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."
Proverbs 27:17
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