How reality REALLY works!
Hi All,
I’m a Physician, Scientist, and Educator, with over a half-century of research trying to discover the truer nature of reality and our place in it.
Because of my painful concern about the accelerating breakdown of our world – the increasing mass insanity & looming existential threats, I ‘felt called ‘to share what I have recently discovered about ‘how reality works’ and the related reasons for our current plight.
I have just shared my findings about the underlying explanatory pattern in my multi-award winning new book to serve as an inspirational & empowering resource for these challenging times – “Dream it to Do it: The Science and the Magic”.
It provides the breakthrough PROOF - scientifically, logically, & experientially - for the ‘Primacy of Consciousness’ as the underlying ‘Source’ of all !!!
Check out my dedicated book webpage with Testimonials & video Podcast interviews:
Howard Eisenberg
How reality REALLY works!
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